Outreach Services
WSSB Outreach staff collectively are highly qualified and trained in the specialty of blindness and low vision, including additional disabilities, deafblindness, and assistive technology. As a community of resources and trusted advisors for our field, we work across Washington State to support local school districts, Educational Service Districts (ESDs), Early Intervention Provider Agencies (EPAs), special and general education teachers, and families to ensure that every blind, low vision and deafblind student in Washington State has the supports and services they need to succeed.
Outreach Services consists of the following individual programs:
- Birth to 5 Program
- Outreach Program
- DeafBlind Program
- Assistive Technology
Outreach Services, Ages 3-21
The WSSB Outreach department provides several vital services to students and staff outside of the WSSB campus. Our mission is to fill the gaps of service that may be needed in school districts around the state of Washington and to continue to develop new strategies to better serve blind or low vision students to empower them to reach their full potential. Our department has staff positioned within all regions of Washington.
WSSB Outreach offers contractual services from a Teacher of Blind and Low Vision Learners (TBLVL), Certified Orientation and Mobility (COMS) and Assistive Technology to school districts around Washington state on an as-needed basis.
We collaborate extensively with agencies and organizations in Washington that also provide vital services to Blind and Low Vision learners. This includes Washington Sensory Disabilities Services (wsdsonline.org) which is a State Needs Project funded by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
WSSB Outreach provides the following contractual services:
- Evaluations: Functional Vision, Learning Media Assessment, Expanded Core Curriculum, Cortical Visual Impairment Range, Orientation & Mobility, and Assistive Technology.
- Direct and consult Itinerant teaching services to Washington school districts. (Teacher of Blind and Low Vision Learners and Orientation and Mobility)
- In-service to local school districts.
- Technology consultation service to school districts specific to students who are blind and low vision.
- Consultation to Washington school districts to assist in assessing the needs of students who are blind and low vision.
- Assistance to local school districts in recruitment and strategies to provide appropriate services to students who are blind and low vision.
Vision Education Service Providers
Download the State Vision Personnel Directory