Washington Management Service (WMS) Inclusion and Evaluation Procedure

Policy Approve By
Dr. Dean O. Stenehjem, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Policy Prepared By
Jessica Sydnor, Human Resources Manager
Policy Category


Administrative Procedure Title:  WMS Position Review

I. Purpose

This procedure outlines the framework by which Washington Management Service (WMS) positions are included, evaluated, and re-evaluated within the Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB). The administrative processes in this framework are to be used in conjunction with the agency’s WMS policies to administer WMS positions within the WSSB.

II. Glossary

  • Appointing authority - An individual lawfully authorized to appoint, transfer, lay-off, reduce, dismiss, suspend, or demote employees.
  • Job Value Assessment Charts (JVACs)-The tools used to evaluate WMS positions, assign evaluation points, and place positions in the appropriate management band.
  • Management band-A series of management levels included in WMS. Placement in a band reflects the nature of management, decision-making environment and policy impact, and scope of management accountability and control assigned to the position.
  • Point value-The points resulting from an evaluation of a position using the Job Value Assessment Chart (JVAC).
  • Position description-The form used to document job duties and responsibilities for WMS positions.
  • Washington Management Service (WMS) - The system of personnel administration that applies to classified managerial employees or positions under the jurisdiction of RCW 41.06.022 and 41.06.500 and those chapters of Title 357-58 WAC adopted by the director of the Department of Personnel (DOP).
  • WMS coordinator–A human resources professional who administers the WMS process within the agency and serves as the single point of contact between the agency and DOP for all WMS issues. The WMS coordinator convenes and chairs the WMS Inclusion and Evaluation Committee and is responsible for ensuring that the agency’s WMS reports and procedures and updates or changes are submitted to DOP.
  • WMS Evaluation Committee–A committee of staff members assigned and formally trained to determine inclusion of positions into WMS and evaluate those positions using the JVAC tools.

At WSSB, this committee consists of the WMS coordinator, at least one manager from an operating division, and a management representative or human resource professional from another agency, higher education institution or education service district/school district.