Tuition Assistance Policy

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
Anne Baker, Human Resources Manager/Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Category

SUBJECT: Tuition Assistance Policy

Applies: To All Staff

I. Objective:  

WSSB recognizes the value and benefit of providing tuition assistance for certificated educational endorsements (such as TVI, O&M, Administration and Educational Leadership Programs). 

Programs must have a clear and direct relationship to the employee’s current work or profession. 

Courses are taken voluntarily by the employee outside working hours and do not refer to courses which the employee is designated to attend by WSSB.  Seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. are outside the scope of this policy and are the responsibility of the employee and /or the department to fund.

Requests for funds must be submitted before June 1 and not to exceed $8,000 per year. Travel, lodging, and meals are not reimbursable expenses.

II. Purpose: 

To address a critical shortage in the field of educating students who are blind or visually impaired.

III. Policy:

Tuition Assistance

Accessing Tuition Assistance requires prior written approval. 

Prior to the start of the program/course, employees must submit a Request for Tuition Assistance Form to their department director along with a copy of the course description. 

All requests must be supported by the employee’s current department director and final approval by the WSSB Administrative Team.  Upon approval, a signed copy will be sent to the employee.  Employee must provide proof that they have applied for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to WSSB providing tuition assistance.  Funds will be paid directly to the vendor.

To qualify, employees must be in a permanent position with WSSB. An employee will need to reimburse the funds in the event they terminate employment prior to completion of an approved course or if they do not successfully complete an approved course.

Individuals receiving tuition assistance must provide a transcript to their department director showing satisfactory completion of college classes and credit earned towards program completion.

Request for Tuition Assistance