Student Immunizations and Life-Threatening Health Conditions (Policy)

Policy Date (original policy date)
Policy Category


  1. Immunizations

In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable disease and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, WSSB requires students to present evidence of them being immunized against disease as required by the Washington State Board of Health.

  1. Exemptions from Immunization

WSSB will allow for exemptions from immunization requirements only as allowed for by RCW 28A.210.090.

  1. Meningococcal Disease and Vaccine Information Distribution
    1. At the beginning of every school year, WSSB will provide parent(s)/guardian(s) of students in sixth (6th) grade through twelfth (12th) with information about meningococcal disease and its vaccine. 
    2. The information will include the characteristics of the disease, where to find additional information about the disease, vaccinations for children, and current recommendations from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding receiving this vaccine.
  1. Human Papilloma Virus Disease and Vaccine Information Distribution
    1. At the beginning of every school year, WSSB will provided parent(s)/guardian(s) of students in sixth (6th) through twelfth (12th) with information provided by the Washington State Department of Health about the human papilloma virus (HPV) disease and its vaccine.
    2. The information will include the causes and symptoms of human papilloma virus, how the disease is spread, where to find additional information, vaccinations for children, and current recommendations from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding this vaccine.
  1. Life-Threatening Health Conditions
    1. Prior to attendance to school, each child with a life-threatening health condition will present a medication and treatment order from a License Healthcare Provider (LHP) addressing the condition.  A life-threatening health condition means a conditions that will put the child in danger of death while at school if a medication and treatment order, providing authority to a registered nurse, and emergency care plan/nursing care plan are not in place.  Following submission of the medication and treatment order, a registered nurse will develop an emergency care plan/nursing care plan.
    2. Students who have a life-threatening health condition and no medication or treatment order presented to the school will be excluded from school, to the extent that WSSB can do so consistent with federal requirements for students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and according to the due process requirements in the Student Immunizations and Life-Threatening Health Conditions Procedure.
  1. Exclusion from School

WSSB will exclude students only as allowed for by the RCW 28A.210.120 and WAC 392-380-050.