Student Illness or Injury (Policy)

Policy Approve By
Dr. Dean O. Stenehjem, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Policy Prepared By
Cathlene Cover, RN, Robin Williams, RN
Policy Category

SUBJECT: Student Illness or Injury

A student who experiences any of the following during the school day, may require transport home by parent/guardian:

  • Increased frequency of seizure activity
  • Cluster seizures
  • Seizure activity near or during time of transportation by bus to home
  • Absence from school due to illness or injury, resulting in extended observation by RN in Health Center
  • Illness requiring further examination and/or treatment by a physician

To provide continuity of care, information from the treating physician will be required for the following:

  • Students requiring hospitalization or emergency care at any time.
  • Absent for an extended period of time, requiring medical treatment.
  • Any dietary changes
  • Allergy status: Any new or change; in food or medication allergies
  • Any medically necessary treatment, performed by nurses
  • Any medically necessary treatment, delegated to other staff