Signature Authority

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
Mary Sarate, Director of Business and Finance
Policy Category


To define WSSB’s Signature Authority Levels


The State of Washington’s State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM) is the document used to define standardized accounting policy for the entire State of Washington. Chapter 10 – 10.10.10.a.3 – Requires the agency head to specify the delegated approval levels in the agency’s management structure for control over travel expenses. The Superintendent will develop a list of signature authority levels and is located in Microsoft Outlook/Public Folders/Forms/Accounting/Signature Authority Limits.

The signature levels apply to the purchase/approval of goods, services and travel related expenses.

WSSB has also restricted the following approvals to the Superintendent only:

  1. Binding agreements and contracts between the school and all vendors
  2. Out-of-state travel requests
  3. Disposal of all school assets
  4. Requests for meals, coffee, and light refreshments at meetings and training sessions
  5. Acceptance of donations by the school
  6. Exceeding travel per diem requests for both meals and lodging