Food and Beverage Service Policy (Staff)

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
Administrative Team
Policy Category

Policy Statement:

The WSSB supports efforts to create a healthy workplace for employees and guests. In support of that goal, we are ensuring access to healthy-choice options during agency’s meetings, events and in the agency’s cafeteria. Food and beverages served must meet defined nutrition guidelines in accordance with Executive Order 13-06. These guidelines will be fully implemented by December 31, 2016.

This policy ensures that food and beverages we offer or serve meet the Healthy Nutrition Guidelines defined by the Department of Health. The guidelines apply to foods offered and served by and in our meetings, events and cafeteria.


  1. Definition: For purposes of this policy, coffee encompasses any non-alcoholic beverage, such as tea, soft drinks, juice or milk. Also, a light refreshment is considered to be an edible item that may be served between meals, i.e. pieces of fruit, cheese, etc.
  2. A formal written request for serving coffee and light refreshments at a meeting or training session must be submitted to the Superintendent or Director of Business and Finance for approval.  When approved, the request will be forwarded to the food department.  The Food Manager will forward the completed request back to the Business Office after completing the ‘actual cost’ information.
  3. This request must include the purpose of the meeting, justification for serving coffee and/or light refreshments and an estimate of cost.  Prior approval is required before the meeting.
  4. All receipts and related cost sheets are to be turned into the Business Office clearly stating which events these costs covered.
  5. Expenditures under this policy will be coded EA (Supplies and Materials).
  6. The Director of Business and Finance will maintain records of all events to include the appropriate documentation.
  7. A.  Examples of activities which meet the criteria for “light refreshments” are:
    I. Board of Trustee meetings;
    II. Official meetings where refreshments would be considered an integral part of the meeting
    III. Training/in-service meetings; and
    IV. Student educational experiences.
    B.  Examples which do not meet the criteria for “light Refreshments” are:
    I. Agency anniversaries, individual employment anniversaries and receptions for employees;
    II. Hosting activities – “Hosting” includes but is not limited to, those activities that are intended either to lobby a legislator or a governmental official or are to be a social rather than a governmental business event and include expenditures for meals of those whom the school is not legally authorized to reimburse.
  8. The school may make, under provisions of RCW 41.60.150, expenditures for coffee and/or light refreshments as part of a recognition award.  The total amount expended for the recognition award, including the coffee and/or light refreshments, is limited to the monetary level contained in RCW 41.60.150.  Such expenditures for recognition awards are to be accounted for under object code “EG”.


The Food Service manager is the agency’s designated employee that is responsible for implementing and monitoring the adoption of the guidelines.

Review and Approval:

The Food Services manager and his supervisor are responsible to coordinate any updates or rescission of this policy or its associated procedure(s).  The superintendent has full authority to review and approve this policy and any associated procedure and also has the authority to delegate this responsibility.



OFM 70.10 – Coffee and Light Refreshments

RCW 41.60.150