Classroom Coverage

Policy Approve By
Dr. Dean O. Stenehjem, Superintedent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
James O. Bickford, Director of Education
Policy Category


To insure program and instructional consistency for all students to the greatest extent possible.

  1. Teachers are not to leave their classroom students unsupervised at any time during the scheduled day.
  1. It is understood that staff may be absent for required meetings, illness, outreach, and other approved activities.
  1. Substitute coverage will be sought for all classroom teach­ers who are out for one-half day or more except:
  • Teachers who give only one-to-one instruction, i.e. mobility and speech.
  • When the absent staff member indicates coverage will be provided by other members of the instructional team.
  • If a substitute cannot be hired, the same procedure as IV (below) will be followed.
  1. For absences of less than one-half day, the following prior­ities will be used for classroom coverage recognizing variances in needs of different programs and classrooms.
  • Aide coverage paired with a certificated staff member.
  • Certificated staff with no students during the peri­od(s) in question.
  • Supervising Teacher, Director of Education and/or psychologist.
  • Certificated staff who may need to cancel a single student.
  • Assign affected students to study hall in the library.
  1. Staff who will miss classes due to a field trip of less than 1/2 day are responsible for coverage of regularly assigned classes.
  1. It is the intent of this procedure to maintain the integrity of student programs at all times.